Lesson series

Fuses - Medium Voltage

This training module is designed for PEARL as part of the Employee Development Program. It contains material from the LV-MV Fuse Module that is necessary for PEARL Level 2 Technician Certification.
Course Length - 1 Hour
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What's included?

  • Course Outline
  • Review Fuse Basics
  • Slash Voltages
  • MV Fuse Elements
  • Live Front – Dead Front
  • Application Considerations
  • Standards
  • PEARL Standard
  • Troubleshooting
  • Fuse De-rating
  • Interrupting Ratings
  • Fuse Clearing Time
  • E-Rated V. R-Rated Fuses
  • MV Selection Factors
  • Summary

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be qualified to:
• Understand Fuse basics
• Apply Fuses with Slash Voltages
• Identify MV Element Types
• Apply Fuses
• Understand Standards
• Troubleshoot Blown Fuses
• De-rate Fuses
• Understand Interrupting Ratings
• Understand the selection factors for fuses


 You will learn the steps to test and evaluate fuses according to the PEARL EERS.

Course Lessons